F.Y.A.H- Free Your Authentic Heart
F.Y.A.H. is the latest project of Delroy “Pele” Hamilton, a co-founder, leader, and bassist of the popular Jamaican reggae band Raging Fyah. With three albums, including the Grammy-nominated “Everlasting,” under his belt, Pele decided to dive deeper into music production when the pandemic hit and isolation became the new normal. “I challenged myself to become a better writer, musician, producer and this led to the birth of F.Y.A.H.” While reggae still remains at the core of F.Y.A.H., Pele also incorporated other genres and influences to create a unique sound that reflects his personal journey and experiences. “I have a deep love for reggae music, but as a musician, I also appreciate other styles. You’ll hear those influences in this new F.Y.A.H. project, but at the heart of it all, it’s always reggae music. I’m not trying to change that,” Pele explains.
Teaming up with guitarist Nicolas Groskopf, vocalist Elton Earlington and many other talented musicians, Pele recorded all these experiences under a new upcoming album titled Free Your Authentic Heart. The album features a dozen new tracks of roots reggae styling, with the main message being about upliftment, perseverance and love- it’s inspirational. To choose a favorite track, however, is difficult for such an encompassing collection of songs, though a few in particular get him emotional. “Hold up I Head, and Brighter Day are like my testimony. As well as Never Give Up; those are the songs that get me teary. I put my whole heart in these songs; it’s not an act, this is what I’m going through, this is me. There’s no holding back.”
With a new album, new sound, new vibe came an aptly fitting new name
Free Your Authentic Heart
The inspiration and fuel for this new body of work and the journey beyond. F.Y.A.H.’s highly anticipated Free Your Authentic Heart will be released on VP Records, and the band will be touring in support. The live experience is something Pele believes is a lifeblood of the full musical experience. “I’m pleased with the end result of the songs,” Pele says. “I’m happy with the consistency and message. I’m ready to deliver this body of work to the world.”